Coakley Concerns Raised by Board

Board asks that more action be taken to prevent pollution

Board of Selectmen Chair Steve Smith released a letter criticizing Coakley Landfill Group officials about recent flippant comments and inaction regarding environmental threats at the Superfund cleanup site. “We were shocked and saddened by the flippant way these topics were casually addressed by the CLG during the meeting,” Smith said. “Our community has, through no fault of our own, been subject to pollution and health hazards from the Coakley Landfill and we deserve better from the CLG.” See the full news article by clicking here

During Monday's Board meeting, the Board of Selectmen voiced concerns that not enough was being done by the CLG to prevent pollution and that more action is still needed. This remains a top priority of the Board. 

“Striving for zero pollution from the Coakley Landfill is not a pointless goal, but a desired outcome that we want to see achieved and believe can be achieved,” Steve Smith said in the letter.