Low & Moderate Income Homeowners Property Tax Relief Program

Low & Moderate Income Homeowners Property Tax Relief Program

Applications are accepted (sent to the State) only during the filing period - after May 1, but no later than June 30.

The State of New Hampshire has enacted a law enabling property owners to receive relief of the state education portion of their tax bill. Property owners who resided in their home as of April 1st in the year for which the claim is made and had total household incomes of $37,000 or less if single and $47,000 or less if married or head of a New Hampshire household are eligible. The forms must be completed and mailed to the Department of Revenue by June 30th.

Property owners will need to attach a copy of their final property tax bill. Additionally, owners will need to attach a copy of their 2021 federal tax return and one for each adult living in the claimant’s household. If the homestead is held in a trust, please attach a copy of the trust.

For more information regarding the Low and Moderate Income Homeowners Property Tax Relief, see the State of New Hampshire, Low and Moderate Income Homeowners Property Tax Relief Program.

Low and Moderate Tax Relief - DP-8 (PDF FORM TO COMPLETE)

Frequently Asked Questions